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The human race has built upon its innovations at an astonishingly fast pace. At the mark of the first man walking the Earth, it dealt with sustenance; now, there are countless advancements in technology, including in virtual reality. This computer-generated environment is taking the world by storm. With its revolutionary powers, though, comes the need to implement specific legal strictures. This is where intellectual property comes into play. Through the use of patents and copyrights, companies that develop VR must follow certain guidelines established by both the state and the federal governments. Due to the wide array of pictures that can be painted by virtual reality, the field is still not fully developed; however, IP law will enable people to protect their innovations. As technology continues to grow and expand, the impact on intellectual property will become much more visible for not only VR but all types of inventions. Our creativity has no limits and this will continue to be witnessed in the close future.

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