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The Research Interview

*I conducted my interview with Mr. Frank Hamilton, pictured with me under the "About Me" section of this page. He has guided me throughout the year and I am extremely grateful for his efforts in the progression of this school year.

Q1: What is some simple but key background info that people should know about the law?

A: There are so many aspects of the law, yet they are all essential in making the town, state, and country we have lived in for so long.

Reflection: This has been a point that Mr. Hamilton has emphasized since the start of this mentorship. 


Q2: What advice would you give to anyone who strives to become an attorney?

A: The biggest thing to think about is understanding the reasoning behind the desire to become an attorney. Do you really want to practice law or do you want the knowledge? What would be your future interest in the niche that you would be pursuing? The practice of law is such a broad area. You can’t just say, “I want to be a lawyer!” You have to think about the commitment it takes to become an attorney, the education about it, and the difference it can make on others.

Reflection: It’s important to get experience to see whether or not one wants to become an attorney. This mentorship experience has given me a good feeling to answer this situation.


Q3: What is the best part of your job?

A: The satisfaction when you have the right result for the client.

Reflection: If I were to be an attorney, I would hope for this to be my answer. Mr. Hamilton is not in it for the money, he simply wants to help people and make the world a better place.


Q4: How has the law changed since you first became an attorney?

A: Well, technology has just changed everything so dramatically. When I first started practicing law 30 years ago, we didn’t have the ability to email or look at research via the internet. Sending and receiving documentation is a critical part of our job and we are now able to do it in the blink of an eye.

Reflection: Technology affects all fields of work, including lawyers. The use of the internet and email allows for an efficient workplace.


Q5: As an attorney, criticism can play a large role in your career; how do you deal with it?

A: Head-on! First of all, you have to tell a client, “Look, I have (in my retainer agreement) a non-disparagement clause”. Before a client says bad things regarding whatever it may be, I ask them to resolve the matter, whether it must be mediated or arbitrated. You want to cut that negativity out of the picture to better the relationship in the present rather than the future. 

Reflection: It’s important to contact a client in a personal manner and build a relationship. Doing so behind a screen can ruin your reputation.


Q6: Can you explain what Intellectual Property law deals with for those who are unfamiliar?

A: It’s such a broad term. I mean, it has to do with anything regarding a technological advance that has been embodied in some type of program by way of the transmission of innovation.

Reflection: This particular type of law has a lot of aspects to it. As an aspiring lawyer in this field, it will be crucial for me to delve deeper into what each of these represents.


Q7: What are your thoughts on the concept of virtual reality and the growth of technology as a whole?

A: The advances have been great and they will simply become greater. We’re on the doorstep of an incredible explosion of new technology. What we have seen in the last thirty years is going to be eclipsed by what we see in the next ten.

Reflection: Rapid growth in technology is enabling us to do things in a better way than we have been in recent years.


Q8: Do you think that the innovation of something should always immediately be protected under something like a patent or trademark?

A: Immediately. If an innovator has a worthy invention, file for a patent. This will protect your creativity and reward you for the work that you put in.

Reflection: This should be a priority for an inventer. Without a patent, there is no legal protection for a person’s hard work.


Q9: How important is it for people to be aware of copyright infringement?

A: Critical. If you want to get sued, if you want to give up your bankroll...that’s the way to do it. I can’t stress the importance of not observing copyright and patent law enough. It’s essentially the same thing as trespassing on someone’s property. Those laws are clearly defined for a reason.

Reflection: Plagiarism is a big example of this. We are constantly reminded of this, from when we are young to the prime of our careers. We have to be aware of copying to prevent further implications.


Q10: Lastly, what are your thoughts on the integration of Intellectual Property law and something as advanced as virtual reality?

A: I think it’s incredible. Like I said before, technology has come a long way and is changing the way we live every day.

Reflection: I agree with this statement. It will be interesting to see how this will change going into the new decade.

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